Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Read

"Why Read." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. <>.
Wow, it has been over a month! Where has the time gone? Let me catch you up... 

So this happened...

I love my job! Reason number 347: During 15 minutes of independent reading I also take advantage. Today a few students began whispering during this time. In response I began reading my book aloud, reading the sentence, "The hypothalamus emits a chemical that triggers receptors in the pituitary gland; the pituitary releases signaling hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands; and the adrenal glands then send out stress hormones called glucocorticoids that switch on a host of specific defensive responses." Without missing a beat one of my students calls out, "Spoiler alert!"

"How Children Succeed." - OneGoal. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. <>.

My seventh graders are in the midst of a Holocaust unit. We read I Have Lived a Thousand Years together in class. They also are researching the chronology of the Holocaust. As horrific as the subject matter is it is still my favorite unit to teach. The students are engaged and able to see beyond themselves for a change. They truly amaze me with their questions and their reactions. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't have seventh graders taking on more responsibility. But then, one of them passes gas and the entire class loses control. I guess they are right where they should be.

"I Have Lived a Thousand Years." Amazon. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.