Monday, December 7, 2015

Christms Lights

"Christmas Lights - Christmas Designers." Christmas Designers. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.

Monday, September 7, 2015


“‘The Man Who Does Not Read .." - Mark Twain [1280*960] • /r/QuotesPorn.” reddit. Web. 7 Dec. 2015. <>

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer Update

How is your summer going? I just spent a little over a week visiting my sister in Texas. Did a little school related shopping. Did a lot of school related Pinteresting. Talked "shop" with my sister, a first grade teacher. Read a couple books while lounging at the pool. Have you read any good books? I just finished reading a fun book for my classroom library, Bliss by Kathryn Littlewood. It is sort of Harry Potter meats magical family bakery.

Next week I will start working in my classroom a bit. Especially if the weather does not allow me to work in my garden which is a new work in progress. This time next year I hope to begin my mornings sitting on a bench in my garden enjoying beautiful blooms, a good book and a cup of coffee. About six more weeks and it will be time to dust off the school shoes.
I hope everyone is taking advantage of the outside weather. These days of sunshine with comfortable temperatures are perfect for playing outside, and you are never too old to play outside!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Read

"Why Read." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. <>.
Wow, it has been over a month! Where has the time gone? Let me catch you up... 

So this happened...

I love my job! Reason number 347: During 15 minutes of independent reading I also take advantage. Today a few students began whispering during this time. In response I began reading my book aloud, reading the sentence, "The hypothalamus emits a chemical that triggers receptors in the pituitary gland; the pituitary releases signaling hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands; and the adrenal glands then send out stress hormones called glucocorticoids that switch on a host of specific defensive responses." Without missing a beat one of my students calls out, "Spoiler alert!"

"How Children Succeed." - OneGoal. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. <>.

My seventh graders are in the midst of a Holocaust unit. We read I Have Lived a Thousand Years together in class. They also are researching the chronology of the Holocaust. As horrific as the subject matter is it is still my favorite unit to teach. The students are engaged and able to see beyond themselves for a change. They truly amaze me with their questions and their reactions. Sometimes I wonder if we shouldn't have seventh graders taking on more responsibility. But then, one of them passes gas and the entire class loses control. I guess they are right where they should be.

"I Have Lived a Thousand Years." Amazon. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My apologies, I've been away from my blog far too long. Please note, however, the title of my blog does reference reading and I 've been doing a lot of reading. Reading student essays, reading Venn diagrams, reading books assigned by my principal, and reading my Kindle Paperwhite that is loaded with several dozen "escape routes" to last a few months.

Reading is an escape for me. An escape from the hustle and bustle that occupies most my waking moments. Most school days I am able to squeeze in a chapter or two from my current read while my students are also reading independently. When I do return home I don't often have the time to read during the evening, but I always read at least thirty minutes before turning out the light each night. I am absolutely certain (because I've tried it a couple of times) that I will not be able to sleep without reading first. Lately I just open up one of my books on the Kindle, however there are also stacks of books and magazines on the bedside table so my reading moods can be easily met.

I wish ALL of my students had similar desires to read. I force it on them, assigning reading minutes as homework and having independent reading built into our class time. I've noticed, however, that fewer and fewer students are really reading. Oh sure, they have a book in their hands, but they've been "reading" the same book since September. They have the homework minutes written in their planners, but when I ask them to write a paragraph about their current reading selection they are totally stumped. I suspect the minutes for several are not truly accurate.

I model my joy for reading constantly. Often during our independent reading time I will laugh out loud at the words on my page. I will close the book with visible reluctance with the timer goes off. I will talk about how I cannot wait to return to that same book later.

I carefully select books for my classroom library hoping that the variety will spark interest in each and everyone. (I have approximately one thousand books in my classroom library.) If I don't have what a student is looking for and our school media center also comes up blank, I will order a copy. (Thank you for your used "Like New" book selections!) I would sooner buy a book for a student to read than I would buy chocolate for my sweet tooth.

Clearly I am passionate about reading. I am certain reading is the key to success. (I can find research to support me on that. e.g. The Truth About Outside Reading: Why It's Important and What to Read) So help me out, what can I do that will convince the reluctant pre-teen/early teen that they should be reading, reading, reading?